The Solopreneur

You’re a one-person army, and we’re your cyber reinforcements.


Cyber insights for those building something special

It doesn't matter if you’re a…

Whether you’ve been open for two days or 20 years, your one-person business needs to be safe and secure — and that starts with a solid understanding of cybersecurity basics.


Making learning easy is our jam!

Your learning journey begins here. We built this site to be easy to use and understand. Start with the first section, continue to the next, and enjoy the journey! Feel free to reach out to us if you have questions along the way.


ATTACK CLI, an original concept

Section 1 - Solopreneur


CLI STANDS FOR Complexity, Likelihood, & Impact. You might wonder, “But wait, do I have to worry about cybersecurity? I’m a beloved CPA. Everyone loves me!” True, but yes!

Attack CLI for a solopreneur


What is the Attack CLI? A snapshot showing the complexity of a cyber attack, the likelihood of being attacked, and the impact of a successful attack. They are all leveled based on the attack parameter they represent and placed in the heatmap you see above.

How should I think about my Attack CLI? As a guide, not an exact representation of your unique circumstances. Most solopreneurs will deal with LOW COMPLEXITY attacks (like phishing attacks). They will have a LOW LIKELIHOOD of being attacked (not bad). However, most solopreneurs will suffer a MEDIUM+ IMPACT from a successful attack (if a powerful enough attack penetrates your defenses, you are probably not prepared to withstand it). 

My online presence is small. Should I worry? Even if your company consists of a personal blog and a bank account, a ransomware attack could devastate your business.

Think you’re too small for bad actors? Bear in mind that bad actors consider data as valuable as cash and won’t hesitate to attack anyone remotely connected to money.

CYBER, simplified & explained

Section 2 - Solopreneur


IT’S OKAY THAT CYBERSECURITY ISN’T YOUR FOCUS! We want you to be aware of the risks, so you can keep chasing your passions and running your business. You might be asking yourself…

  • Home office security, explained

    Should I secure my home office? It's just me and the fam.

    Absolutely! Bad actors don’t have boundaries, so your security needs to be without boundaries. Whether it’s a colocation or a home office, learn how to protect yourself remotely!

  • Think Like Your Adversary

    How do I stay one step ahead of the bad guys?

    So here’s the deal, no matter the particulars of your company, bad actors will find value in targeting it. To counter, you need to rely on software and, ensure your partners are reputable/prioritize security.

  • GRC, the basics

    What is this "GRC" thing I keep hearing about?!

    It stands for Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC). Good GRC integrates cybersecurity into your governance and controls so that protecting your systems, networks, and data is in your organizational DNA.

  • Supply chains, explained

    Do supply chains matter for cybersecurity?

    Without a doubt, yes! The modern supply chain is complex, interconnected, and vulnerable to threats, especially when it comes to cybersecurity. Learn how to understand supply chain cybersecurity so you keep yours safe.

  • Website security, explained

    How should I secure my small retail website?

    It depends, but with good website security, you can reach customers globally without worrying about data breaches or blowing your budget. How? Just follow five easy website security practices.

  • Cyber security basics

    So if I am new to all this, where should I start?

    Don’t worry. We have you covered! It all begins with a solid understanding of cybersecurity basics. We have crafted an entire section for those just starting in the cyber world. We aim to get you as much information as possible but not overwhelm you.

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"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today."

- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.